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Choose the exam you're studying for to get access to free practice questions, study guides, community discussions, and lectures.  More coming soon!

Choose the exam you're studying for to get access to free practice questions, study guides, community discussions, and lectures.  More coming soon!

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— education should be free —

      Why do people have to pay to learn about cloud computing, cybersecurity, or programming?   That doesn't seem right to us.   Our goal is to provide free, high-quality resources so that anyone can get foundational technical skills.

      Since certifications are a great way to build up your technical knowlegde, that's where we're starting.   We're focused on addressing the most popular exams like CompTIA, AWS, and a few others.   So, if you're looking to pass one of these check out our resources.   We have lectures, practice questions, and study guides.   They're all free.  And, to talk to other community members about the certification you're working on you can check out our forums, which are open every evening.   They're free too.

       This project is a work in progress, so if you don't see resources for the exam you're working on, check back in the future!   Or, you can start posting about it in the forums and help us make the resources that help others learn.


— education should be free —

      Why do people have to pay to learn about cloud computing, cybersecurity, or programming?   That doesn't seem right to us.   Our goal is to provide free, high-quality resources so that anyone can get foundational technical skills.

      Since certifications are a great way to build up your technical knowlegde, that's where we're starting.   We're focused on addressing the most popular exams like CompTIA, AWS, and a few others.   So, if you're looking to pass one of these check out our resources.   We have lectures, practice questions, and study guides.   They're all free.  And, to talk to other community members about the certification you're working on you can check out our forums, which are open every evening.   They're free too.

       This project is a work in progress, so if you don't see resources for the exam you're working on, check back in the future!   Or, you can start posting about it in the forums and help us make the resources that help others learn.